Winter Door Replacement

Cold, wet, and, depending on where you live, possibly even icy conditions of winter can create a number of problems when it comes to your home’s or business’s entry doors.

Some common problems many homeowners experience when entry doors are aging, damaged, or otherwise in need of replacement can include poor door function, making the door harder to open and close, noisy doors that squeak or groan when operating them, and drafty doors that allow cold air to make it’s way inside your home – compromising the comfort of your home and costing you money as your heating system tries to combat the loss of warmth.

In some cases, the cause of these problems may require a simple repair. A poorly functioning door could be caused by the loosening of hinges and screws, especially if your door is exposed to snow and ice accumulation. If your door is squeaking, the hinges may have dried out, and can be repaired by lubricating them with silicone or graphite. In the case of a sliding door, the tracks may also require new lubrication. A drafty door could be caused by aging, damaged, or missing weather stripping.

Unfortunately, these simple repairs are not always an option, nor are they always the best solution. When the damage to your doors is extensive, or your doors are older and not as energy efficient as those available on the market today, it’s likely that replacing the door entirely is the more appropriate course of action. While the investment is more extensive, the cost of a new replacement door is offset by the savings in energy efficiency, as well as increasing the curb appeal of your home. In the case of a commercial establishment, the entryway affects the initial impression on your customers as they enter your business as well as the comfort – and thereby the efficiency – of your employees.

If you’ve decided it might be wise to opt for a replacement, you might be wondering about the pros and cons of a winter replacement versus waiting until spring. Here are a few key things to consider:


Decreased cost – In most cases, there are considerable savings to be had when it coes to a winter door replacement. Due to lower sales, many manufacturers and door installers offer discounted rates during the winter season.

Better scheduling – Again, due to the lower demand, installers are typically less busy during the winter season, making it much easier to schedule your replacement, and allowing for a shorter window of time you’ll need to wait for your new door to be installed.
Additionally, when the installer has a freer schedule, they are less likely to be rushed and that could result in better quality workmanship.

Convenience – Winter is typically a less busy time for the homeowner as well. Rather than working around vacations and summer activities, for example, it’s far more likely your family will be keeping to the indoors, and that means much less traffic coming and going during your door replacement.


Colder weather – While temperatures above -5°C cause no issue, temperatures lower than this can interfere with the caulking or foam insulation. Your home will also be briefly more exposed to the outdoor temperatures during the installation.

Quality of installation – Workers coming in and out of your home may create more mess due to tracking snow or salt inside your home, or they may rush to complete the job to escape the cold – you’ll need to take care to choose a reputable installer to avoid these issues.

Safety – In extreme temperatures, workers may take longer during the installation than they would otherwise, especially if snow and ice create access issues on the site. Accidents due to snow and ice on walkways are much more likely.

Be sure to shop around for the best deal to maximize the savings of a winter purchase, and carefully choose an experienced installer with a good reputation to make your winter door replacement the best possible experience.

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